The following entry was published on March 27, 2019, so it could potentially be outdated information. If it concerns an event, kindly verify that you have the most recent version of the post for the current year's information.
Order your tickets now for the Annual Dragons Night with the Northern Chamber Coalition. This is an excellent opportunity for you to network with other Chamber members from the five member Chambers, they include Northmont, Brookville, Trotwood, Vandalia-Butler and Huber Heights.
$25 ticket gets you access to the Luxury Suites, a Dragons Hat, Complimentary Food/Beverages and 2 Adult beverages. Purchase your tickets soon !! Deadline is April 12th.
Call 228-2287 ext 218
email: [email protected], or
Mail to Sam Bowers – 220 N.Patterson Blvd, Dayton, Ohio 45402
Order Form → 2019NorthernChamberCoalitionNetworkingNight