The following entry was published on January 18, 2021, so it could potentially be outdated information. If it concerns an event, kindly verify that you have the most recent version of the post for the current year's information.

2nd Annual MLK UNITY Walk

The Huber Heights Culture & Diversity Commission sponsored the second annual MLK Unity Walk on January 18th at 10 am beginning in the Marian shopping Center on Brandt Pike. About fifty people braved the cold air and gusty wind to come out and show support for unity. The crowd walked north on Brandt Pike to Chambersburg then west on Chambersburg to the podium, located in front of Frickers facing Chambersburg. Ms. Jean Newby Mistress of Ceremonies, opened the event. Mr. Arrick Richardson gave the opening prayer, and Ms. Tara Purvis welcomed everyone. Mayor Jeff Gore read a Proclamation, and Dr. Fred Aikens shared a biography of Dr. King. Mrs Yolanda Stephens spoke on the Statement of the Occasion. Mrs. Mia Honaker shared the Reflection on the event.

The event was attended by Huber Heights council including Mayor Jeff Gore, Council members Don Webb, Glenn Otto, Ed Lyons, Richard Shaw, and Kathleen Baker. Huber Heights Chamber Executive Director Mark R. Bruns and many other community leaders were in attendance.

Mr. Eric Stephens read the Affirmation of Unity:

We welcome the opportunity to build bridges to unity. We will meet its challenge by first acknowledging that our city is rich with diversity and one in humanity. Together we pledge that we will support only the programs and legislation that elevate all people toward equality.

We desire to live in peace with our brothers and sisters and will work toward equity of opportunity in every area of our lives. We celebrate our commitment to improving human relations by living peacefully while sharing active concern for those less fortunate.

Together we unite in our desire to carry forward the work of the late Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., holding that all people would be united by one spirit, the human spirit.

The Huber Heights Chamber of Commerce wishes to thank the HHCDCAC members!

Dr. Fred Aikens

Mrs. Mia Honaker

Ms. Jean Newby

Ms. Tara Purvis

Mr. Arrick Richardson

Mr. Estephon Ramirez

Mrs. Yolanda Stephens, Chair

Mr. Eric Stephens

Ms. Rhonda Sumlin, Vice Chair


” If you can’t run then walk, If you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do, you have to keep moving forward”

Dr. Martin Luther King